Advertising Information & Artwork Guidelines

Artwork Specifications & recommendations
Although we can design your ad for you, in some cases our clients like to provide their own artwork – Here are some guidelines for submitting your artwork:
- Raster Images (JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, ETC.) need to be 300 DPI to avoid “pixelation” – we can use images from your website, but we do not recommend this, as they will not have the desired resolution.
- Fonts need to be outlined, converted to paths, embedded or sent with your art to avoid substitution.
- If you require specific photos or logos, please provide them separately, in their original file formats. Although in we can pull images from scans or .PDF files, this is not recommended, and not possible in some cases.
- When designing, make sure your project is using the CMYK colorspace, as opposed to RGB. printing is a 4 color process, and you may experience color shifting if your project is in the wrong colorspace.
Preferred file formats are:
- Adobe Illustrator .AI
- Adobe .PD
- Adobe Photoshop .PSD
- Although these formats are preferred, we can work with other formats as well, including high resolution .TIFF and .JPEG Files.
- Do not forget to keep a safety line (.125″) around the edges of your work! No bleeds are necessary.
- Do not forget to border your design
We support our community and all of our small business customers
Our goal is to support Small Business growth by working with each customer individually. We utilize a myriad of advertising techniques to help Small Businesses realize their full potential. Supporting our community businesses in assisting with a marketing budget plan and the execution of both short and long term goals makes up the foundation of Coupons Monthly.